Dr Fatima M Felisberti


I am a cognitive neuroscientist and joined Kingston in 2006, after working as a postdoctoral researcher at Nottingham, City, and Royal Holloway universities (UK). I have PhDs in Biological Cybernetics (Max Planck Institute, Germany) and in Neurosciences (Experimental Psychology, USP, Brazil).

I am currently investigating the interactions between responses to environmental cues (including art) and psychological characteristics to understand how they affect our mental health and wellbeing. 

At the clinical interface, I have examined aesthetic preferences in dementia, cognitive and emotion processing in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and visual processing in bipolar disorder and in heavy tobacco use.

Academic responsibilities

Associate professor in Neurocognition & Aesthetics


  • PhD Biological Cybernetics, Max Planck Institute of Biological Cybernetics, Germany
  • PhD Neurosciences, Institute of Psychology, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • MSc Experimental Psychology & BSc Biology and Physiology
  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Postdoctoral researcher at Nottingham University
  • Postdoctoral researcher at City University
  • Postdoctoral researcher at Royal Holloway University of London

Teaching and learning


Professional practice, knowledge exchange and impact